Daleks in Manhattan

By Mark
Episode Title: Daleks in Manhattan

Duration: 21st April 2007

Written by: Helen Raynor

Directed by: James Strong

Transmission Date: 46 minutes and 52 seconds

Ratings: 6.7 million

Synopsis: It's Thirties New York and, in the midst of the Depression, people are disappearing off the streets, as Russell T Davies' Doctor Who continues. Savage Pig Men hide in the sewers and, at the very top of the Empire State Building, the Doctor's oldest enemies are at work, preparing their most audacious plan yet.

Cast List: The Doctor - David Tennant
Martha Jones - Freema Agyeman
Solomon - Hugh Quarshie
Tallulah - Miranda Raison
Frank - Andrew Garfield
Laszlo - Ryan Carnes
Mr Diagoras - Eric Loren
Myrna - Flik Swann
Lois - Alexis Caley
Man#1 - Earl Perkins
Man#2 - Peter Brooke
Foreman - Ian Porter
Dalek Voice - Nicholas Briggs